The international competition of scientific project works “Agroinnovations: the way for sustainable development”


international competition of scientific project works "Agroinnovations: the way for sustainable development" in the area of "Agricultural projects"

T/bGatnaşyjynyň F.A.Aa.ÝOM-yň adyEýelän orny
1Соколов Степан АнатольевичФГБОУ ВО «Тверская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия»I
2Савельева Сабрина Владимировна Белорусский государственный агарный технический университетI
3Berdiýewa Bahar BagtyýarownaTürkmen oba hojalyk institutyI
4Atanow Bagtyýar ÝazgeldiýewiçTürkmenistanyň Inžener-tehniki we ulag kommunikasiýalary institutyI
5Громов Никита МихайловичФГБОУ ВО «Чувашский государственный аграрный университет»I
6M.Sc. Abbasov Ilgar M.Sc. Suleymanov Mahabbat M.Sc. Hasanli Shalala B.Sc. Mammadov HuseynBrandenburg University of TechnologyII
7Карпенко Вячеслав КонстантиновичФГБОУ ВО «Майкопский государственный технологический университетII
8Baýlyýew Baýly NurmadowiçTürkmen oba hojalyk instituty II
9Колпаков Валерий ПавловичФГБОУ ВО «Красноярский Государственный аграрный университет»II
10Дадаев Хамзат РамзановичФГБОУ ВО «Чеченский государственный университет им. А.А. Кадырова»II
11Васильев Вадим ВалерьевичФГБОУ ВО «Казанская Государственная академия ветеринарной медицины им. Н.Э.Баумана»II
12Манкиев Якуб БорисовичФГБОУ ВО «Государственный аграрный университет Северного Зауралья»II
13Катаев Андрей ВасильевичФГБОУ ВО «Российский государственный аграрный университет – МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева»II
14Бердикулов Равшан АкбаралиевичСамаркандский Государственный университет ветеринарной медицины, животноводства и биотехнологииII
15Merdanow Begenç Koçmuradow ŞatlykTürkmen oba hojalyk instituty II
16Нарбаев СердарГосударственный университет ПросвещенияII
17Babamyradow NurjanS.A.Nyýazow adyndaky Türkmen oba hojalyk uniwersitetiII
18Aýtlyýewa Jennet Begenç gyzySeýitnazar Seýdi adyndaky Türkmen döwlet mugallymçylyk institutyII
19Hanmyradow Babahan Türkmen oba hojalyk instituty ** III
20Булхукова Виктория Анатольевна Бадмаева Эльза ШинаевнаФГБОУ ВО «Калмыцкий государственный университет имени Б.Б. Городовикова»III
21Amanow Alýoş DöwletgeldiýewiçTürkmenistanyň Döwlet Energetika institutyIII
22Gurbanowa Hurma Merdanowna Saparow Alyşir Ysmaýyl oglySeýitnazar Seýdi adyndaky Türkmen döwlet mugallymçylyk institutyIII
23Загайнова Ольга МихайловнаФГБОУ ВО «Казанская Государственная академия ветеринарной медицины им. Н.Э.Баумана»III
24Bäşimow ŞanazarTürkmen döwlet binagärlik-gurluşyk instituty III
25Weliýew Meýlis ŞyhmyradowiçTürkmen oba hojalyk institutyIII
26Hojadurdyýew Hojamämmet HojadurdyýewiçMagtymguly adyndaky Türkmen Döwlet uniwersiteti III
27Jumadurdyýewa GüljahanTürkmenistanyň Döwlet Energetika institutyIII
28Ахмадов УмарТаджикский национальный университетIII
29Çaryýwa ŞekersoltanTürkmenistanyň Oguz han adyndaky Inžener-tehnologiýalar uniwersitetiIII
30Хушназарова Моҳигуль ИлхомовнаСамаркандский Государственный университет ветеринарной медицины, животноводства и биотехнологииIII
31Saryjaýew Seýdylla Türkmen oba hojalyk instituty **III
32Москаленко Павел Геннадьевич Орлов Егор ДмитриевичФГБОУ ВО «Башкирский государственный аграрный университет»III
33Бережная Анна АлександровнаФГБОУ ВО «Казанская Государственная академия ветеринарной медицины им. Н.Э.Баумана»III
34Аэлита Нурлан кызы Акжол АраповКыргызско-Турецкий университет «Манас»III


international competition of scientific project works "Agroinnovations: the way for sustainable development" in the area of "Business projects"

T/bGatnaşyjynyň F.A.Aa.ÝOM-yň adyEýelän orny
1Абзалилова Елена ЕвгеньевнаФГБОУ ВО «Башкирский государственный аграрный университет»I
2Джалилов Баги Вахид оглыФГБОУ ВО «Уральский государственный экономический университет»I
3Rahmanberdiýew Maksatmyrat Bäşimow GurbannazarIçeri işler ministrliginiň institutyII
4Чернышов Андрей РуслановичФГБОУ ВО «Российский государственный аграрный университет – МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева»II
5Бубнова София АндреевнаРоссийский Университет ТранспортаIII
6Жакеева Анель АзаматовнаКокшетауский университет им. Ш.УалихановаIII
7Gylyçdurdyýewa TawusTürkmenistanyň Döwlet Energetika institutyIII
8Бекпулатов Нуриддин Толкин оглиСамаркандский Государственный университет ветеринарной медицины, животноводства и биотехнологии III
9Hydyrow BäşimnazarAba Annaýew adyndaky Halkara atçylyk akademiýasy III


international competition of scientific project works "Agroinnovations: the way for sustainable development" in the area of "IT projects"

T/bGatnaşyjynyň F.A.Aa.ÝOM-yň adyEýelän orny
1Atayev Ashyrgeldi MerdanowichTokai UniwersitetiI
2Нематуллаев Озодбек УткуровичСамаркандский Государственный университет ветеринарной медицины, животноводства и биотехнологииI
3Toraýew MerdanTürkmen oba hojalyk institutyII
4Arazgeldiýewa SonaTürkmen oba hojalyk institutyII
5Saryýew Sähet MerdanowiçMagtymguly adyndaky Türkmen Döwlet uniwersitetiIII
6Temirow Akmuhammet Azadowiç Ödaýew Guwanç Içeri işler ministrliginiň institutyIII
7Saparow MuhammetalyÝagşygeldi Kakaýew adyndaky Halkara nebit we gaz uniwersitetiIII

For the international competition of scientific project works“Agroinnovations: the way for sustainable development”in the year “Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi”

In the Revival of a new era of powerful state under the wise leadership of the esteemed President, our country is successfully carrying out a great deal of work to maintain and comprehensively support political stability in the world, strengthen global peace, security, develop good-neighborly, friendly relations and cooperation. The great deeds and proposals of the Fatherland, which has the legal status of permanent neutrality, in the field of peace and security, energy and ecology receive great support in the world. In the book of our Hero Arkadag “Turkmenistan is on the Way to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals” it is noted that Turkmenistan was one of the first countries in the region to adapt global goals, and as a result, 17 goals, 148 targets and 175 SDG indicators have been implemented. It is gratifying that a working group has been created in Turkmenistan to implement the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN, and a lot of work and relevant international consultations are being carried out in order to effectively implement the tasks in this area.

In this regard, under the sensitive leadership of our Arkadagly Hero Serdar, in order to bring the scientific system, which is the driving force of our development, to the world level, as well as to identify scientifically educated, broad-minded, talented students, in the year “Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi” there is no doubt that the international competition of scientific project works “Agroinnovations: the way for sustainable development” organized by the Turkmen Agricultural Institute among students of higher educational institutions of the country and abroad will be of great importance.

I. General provisions

All students of higher educational institutions of our country and foreign countries can take part in the competition.

The competition will be held in 3 areas related to promoting sustainable development of agriculture and rational use of water resources within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN.

The competition will be held in two stages.

Official languages of the competition: Turkmen, English and Russian.

II. Goals and objectives of the competition

The aim of the competition is to develop scientific thinking, research skills and creativity in students by encouraging them to independently solve important agricultural problems arising from the UN Sustainable Development Goals, promoting sustainable agricultural development and rational use of water resources.

The main objectives of the competition:

  1. to promote sustainable development of agriculture and expand students' knowledge of rational use of water resources;
  2. to deepen students' understanding of scientific approaches and to ensure their use in solving agricultural problems;
  3. to introduce students to the role of agriculture in achieving sustainable development goals;
  4. developing students' ability to think and quickly solve emerging problems by identifying and analyzing agricultural problems;
  5. to develop in students a sense of responsibility for sustainable development;
  6. development of innovative and practical solutions for the agricultural sector;
  7. to increase students' interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

III. Competition areas

Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN, the competition will be held in the following areas:

  • Agricultural projects. Agricultural inventions that are innovative or have specific characteristics that are superior to existing similar projects.
  • IT projects. Software (web services, mobile, desktop applications, chatbots). Software does not include websites, platforms, software libraries and products intended as add-ons by other IT product developers.
  • Business projects.Business plans, financial documents, etc.

IV. Procedure for holding the competition

The competition is held in II stages..

Stage I. Students or a team of (no more than two) students belonging to one of the 3 areas of the competition must submit a report on the research project work (with attached regulations) completed with their participation to the Central Organizing Working Group by e-mail ( by October 1, 2024.

All works are analyzed by a panel of judges and the selected works are admitted to the next stage. The list of scientific and project works that have passed to the second stage will be provided on the institute's website ( on October 10, 2024.

The second stage of the competition will be held on October 16-17, 2024. At this stage, based on the results of the first stage of the competition, students of higher educational institutions of our country and foreign countries will present a scientific project work to the Central Organizational Working Group online.

V. Requirements for the design of scientific project works participating in the competition

The research project work must be presented in the form of a report and presentation.

Requirements for the design of a scientific project work:

  • The report size is 20-30 pages, line spacing is 1.5
  • Page margins: 2 cm top and bottom, 3 cm left and 1.5 cm right;
  • Page size – A4;
  • The title page of the scientific work must indicate the direction of the competition, the title of the topic, the first and last name of the researcher and scientific supervisor;
  • The names of sections and subsections should be written in capital letters. Font – Times New Roman , 14 pt. Center alignment;
  • The font of the main text of the report is Times New Roman , 14 pt. Aligned to page width.
  • Images are placed in the center, with only one image per line. Images must have a caption and their size must be 12 pt. References to the images provided must be included in the text of the report. Numbers, signs, and inscriptions on the figure must be clear and legible.

Requirements for project presentation:

  • The first page must indicate the direction of the competition, the title of the topic, the first and last name of the performer and the scientific supervisor;
  • The presentation volume is 12-15 pages.

IV. Creation of the Central Organizational Working Group and its work

The Turkmen Agricultural Institute is creating a Central Organizational Working Group to conduct the competition. The Central Organizational Working Group includes officials of the Turkmen Agricultural Institute responsible for conducting the competition, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkmenistan, professors and researchers from the country and abroad conducting research in the agricultural sector.

The Central Organizing Working Group carries out general management of the organization, holding and completion of the competition. In case of conflict situations during the evaluation of the results of the competition, the Central Organizing Working Group creates an Appeals Working Group to resolve disputed issues. The Appeals Working Group may include experts from the Central Organizing Working Group and the jury of the competition. The decision of the Appeals Working Group on the consideration of complaints is considered final after approval by the Central Organizing Working Group. The Central Organizing Working Group has the right to propose awarding winners, active participants and organizers.

The Central Organizational Working Group summarizes and analyzes the scientific project works received in the first stage of the competition and provides a list of participants eligible to participate in the second stage.

The Central Organizational Working Group evaluates students' research projects according to the following criteria:

Criteria Requirement Points Maximum score
Relevance The project solves current problems, is an innovative solution, does not use other people's ideas for solving this problem, the project is new, this has never happened before. 4 4
A current and new problem was taken, but its solution was not brought to perfection, while the idea of its solution is the author's. 3
The current problem and the new problem were solved, but using existing techniques. 2
The problem is not new, its solutions already exist, but the participant offers his own new solution. 1
The problem is not new, the solution used by the participant is similar to an existing one. 0,5
Content The project consists of a large amount of useful information; all information is structured, the idea of the narrative is traceable; the entire study is completed, there is a logical conclusion and inference. 3 3
One of the criteria from the previous point is not met. 2
A lot of unnecessary information, there is no logic to the narrative, the essence of the project is not clear. 1
Mass character The project can help solve the problems of a very large number of people. 3 3
The project is aimed at a small number, as it is limited by some conditions. 2
Very few people will be able to benefit from this project. 1
Replicability The project can be easily used by other people; consists of simple elements or everything necessary can be found on Internet resources. 3 3
In order to use the project, various devices are needed, if they are difficult to obtain and many people do not have them, this already reduces the level of replicability. 2
The project exists in a single copy; it is very difficult or even impossible to repeat. 1
Environmental Impact No harm to the environment and humans from the use of the product. 2 4
No harm to the environment and humans from the materials used. 2
Novelty of the project New theoretical and practical conclusions that were not known or recorded in science and practice at this point in time. 3 3
Overall score 20

VII. Summing up the results of the competition and awarding the winners

I, II and III places in each direction are determined based on the sum of points scored for all indicators. In case of a tie, the winner is determined by voting among the members of the Central Organizational Working Group. The winners of the competition will be awarded diplomas of the I, II and III degrees on behalf of the rector of the institute.