Future luminaries of Turkmen science

Thanks to the close attention of the head of state to the issues of broad involvement of young people in scientific research in promising areas, the number of competitors in the prestigious intellectual competition, traditionally held on the eve of Science Day, is steadily growing every year. So this year, held under the motto «The Fount of the Wisdom Magtymguly Fragi», 1 thousand 670 young scientists and students took part in it, presenting their developments, theoretical research and research in six areas of science and technology: «Nanotechnology, chemical technology, study new materials and energy»; «Biotechnology, molecular biology, agriculture, ecology and genetics»; «Information and communication systems, computer technologies»; «Modern medicine and drug production technologies»; «Innovative Economy»; «Humanitarian sciences». The radical reforms being carried out today in these areas are aimed primarily at ensuring strategic national interests and achieving new milestones in socio-economic development.

The competition includes research aimed at developing current topics and, importantly, having not only a theoretical, but also a practical orientation. Of all the contenders for prizes, the expert commission chose the works of 107 of the most worthy young scientists. The defining criteria were the importance and scientific novelty of the presented projects, their relevance and relevance from the point of view of practical implementation and prospects for implementation in production.

A particularly joyful event is that three young scientists from the Turkmen Agricultural Institute won the competition. Among them, lecturer of the department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science Yangiljon Palyazova took third place, second-year student of the specialty Crop Breeding Ayshat Allaberdiyeva and second-year student of the field of training Information Systems and Technologies (in Agriculture) Merdan Torayev took second place and were awarded diplomas and valuable gifts on behalf of the distinguished President.

The laureates of the intellectual competition addressed Arkadagly Hero Serdar with words of sincere gratitude for the full care shown for the young generation, assuring that with their tireless, selfless work they would serve to increase the authority and glory of their native Fatherland.

Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists
of Turkmen Agricultural Institute