Works of our Hero Arkadag- educative book 

The National Leader of the Turkmen people our Hero Arkadag gave some wonderful works to his people. Many works of our National Leader as“Döwlet guşy”, “Çaý – melhem hem ylham”, “Döwletlilik ýörelgesi”, “Janly rowaýat” are an excellent educative book for bringing up a comprehensive and perfect personality.

In order to explain to the students the educational value of the works which is rich in irreplaceable meaning, a round table discussion was held at the Turkmen Agricultural Institute on the topic “The role of the works of our Hero Arkadag in forming a perfect personality and their educational value”. Professors of the Department of Social Sciences of the institute such as Ayjeren Tagandurdyyeva, Hurmagul Yuldasheva, Shatlyk Hudayberdiyev, Mive Nuryyeva, Vepamyrat Babekov participated at the discussion. In their speeches teachers told about the importance of the works of our Hero Arkadag in developing the feelings of patriotism and humanitarianism in youth and to develop love and pride for our national heritage.

During the activity the performance of the singers of the “Bagtyýarlyk joşguny” music group of the institute added a significance of the event. At the end of their speech teachers expressed their endless appreciation to our Hero Arkadag for his wonderful works which are considered as a valuable resource to bring up a good personality. The participants expressed their appreciation words to our Arkadagly Hero Serdar, who create wide opportunities to reveal their abilities in the field of science and education.

Mive Nuryyeva,
Teacher of the Department of Social Sciences