On November 20, at the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University, which held an Open Internet Olympiad on the subject of Chemistry among students of higher education schools. The holding of such contests aims to strengthen friendly relations between students of higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan and foreign countries, to exchange mutually beneficial scientific and educational information, to organize joint scientific-educational discussions between professors and students of higher educational institutions . training of young specialists capable of analyzing emerging scientific and practical issues helps.
Talented students from our higher educational institution participated in this competition and won successful places. The students of our higher education school, Yazlakov Soyench, a 4th year student of Hydromelioration, Geldiyev Begmyrat, a 4th year student of Greenhouse, and Atayeva Gulaym, a 2nd year student of Hydrotechnical Facilities, won the 1st prize.
In our wonderful era, which is moving confidently towards a brighter future, the younger generations have a good understanding of modern technologies, natural and exact sciences. The contests also contribute to the development of students’ talents and their enthusiasm for studying, education and science. We wish from the bottom of our hearts that the great work of our Hero Arkadag, Arkadagly Hero Serdar, will always be successful!
Bahtiyar Saliyev Lecturer of the department Agrochemistry and soil sciences of the Turkmen Agricultural Institute