Hackaton competitions holding between universities

In the Revival of new epoch of powerful state, great work is being done on the comprehensive development of the education system. As a result of the conditions created by our Honorable President, the use of new technologies in educational institutions that meet world standards, the introduction of the latest scientific achievements into the education system provides a high level of education quality.

The Concept for the Development of the Digital Education System in Turkmenistan was adopted. On the territory of this Concept, in the year called “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, a number of competitions and international level olympiads are held to familiarize young people with the latest achievements of science and education. One of these competitions is the hackaton competition “Using artificial intelligence in automation in production”, which was held from 05.22.2023 to 05.24.2023. This competition was first held by the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan at the area of “Digital Solutions-IT”. A group of young programmer students from the Turkmen Agricultural Institute called “AgroIT” participated in this competition. The group leader is a teacher Batyr Hayitjanovich Nuriyev, students Alym Setdarov, Begench Glyjov, Nadirbek Berdiyev and Ikram Ovliyakuliyev. Software products were made based on the tasks set in this competition. Students showed their skills and abilities in a competition that continued three days. According to the rules of the competition, a software tool that fully satisfies the task is carefully developed and brought to a level that satisfies the requirements. Then our team performed successfully and was able to take the 3rd prize.

The next such competition was held on 06.23.2023 under the name “Cultural and recreational complex for the construction of the second step of the city of ARKADAG”. In this competition, members of the “AgroIT” team prepared a program according to the task, and according to the 1st condition of the task, Hummedov Hangeldi made scale models, projects and design models of cultural recreation, sports rehabilitation, park zone of the buildings that belongs to children’s and teenager’s sports rehabilitation complex. In this competition, our friendly team “AgroIT” was able to satisfy the wishes of the judges and take 3rd place.

We are infinitely grateful to our Hero Arkadag and Arkadag Serdar for the opportunities they create for young people to receive such an education and to become a broad worldview.

Lecturer of Department of Computer technology,
The student of direction of preparation
of Information systems and technologies